Frequently Asked Questions sections always seem so impersonal to me, but after a year, I can honestly say that most days I answer the following questions. At least once.
Happy New Year!
Thank you for sticking with me throughout my year-long challenge! If you'd like to see all of the recipes from 2008 in order, here they are.
If you'd like the Table of Contents for the entire site (there are over 600 recipes), here you go.
This is the 1st "Frequently Asked Question" post I've written. I've also written Part 2 and a Troubleshooting post.
How do I print out recipes?
At the bottom of each recipe there is a small "print recipe" button. Click on that, then choose your desired font size. You can decide to omit all of the pictures.
What happened to all the food?
We ate it, and shared with friends and family. We now have a very nicely stocked freezer.
What's up with the gluten free?
My youngest daughter has Celiac, and we have decided as a family to all eat gluten free while at home. If you are gluten free, please check all food labels yourself. Food manufacturers change ingredients often, and without warning. If you do not need to worry about gluten, ignore my notes and use the food brands you are comfortable with. You can read more about our gluten free story, here.
Do you travel with your slow cooker?
Yes. Bringing along a slow cooker when traveling ensures that your food is allergen-free and also saves a ton of money.
Did you save money this year?
No. We spent a lot on groceries this year because of the nature of the challenge. I cooked much more food than our family needed, and tried fancier ingredients/spices than I would have in a normal year. I figured this would happen and budgeted accordingly. Most people save a bunch of money by using the slow cooker, though. Here's an article on how to save money by using the slow cooker.
How much weight did you gain this year?
8 pounds. Thank you for asking.
Was your family annoyed at you?
No, not at all. My family is and always has been incredibly supportive of all my endeavors. This really turned into a family project. My kids, husband, parents, brother, grandparents, father-in-law, and friends have all given recipes or recipe ideas. They've also enjoyed eating the food!
How did you get on the Rachael Ray Show?
I emailed the show.
Why are the comments moderated? Did you get a nasty commenter?
Sort of. A reader got me on a bad day and I didn't like what he wrote (he said that my food looked like slimy green poop and that I should take a photography class). He was right---the photo was horrid, but it still hurt my feelings. I've had the moderation on since, and I'm happy with it because I need to actually read (more carefully than before) comments and respond to questions.
Do you have any resolutions for 2009?
Yes. I'd like to stop biting my nails, complete Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, get the side yard rocks moved to where they should go (or get Adam to do it), start and maintain a blog for Totally Together: Shortcuts to an Organized Life, begin a garden gnome collection, and not stress out so much.
I'm worried about the not stressing so much.
How do you come up with your recipes?
I have the best readers in the world, and they send me new recipes every day. I've got a ton bookmarked that I haven't been able to test out yet. I also read a bunch of food blogs through BlogHer and watch Food TV. I also make stuff up. Sometimes it doesn't work.
I need to cook something for a group of people and it needs to be super-easy.
Taco Soup. It's always a hit.
Will you keep the site up?
Yes. It will live on in cyberspace, and I'll update about once a week indefinitely.
What kind of slow cooker do you use?
updated 11/12: I now use the Ninja Cooking System full-time. Here is a write-up about the Ninja, and here are the other slow cookers I recommend.
Are you going to still use your slow cooker(s) a lot?
Yes. I will continue to use my slow cookers probably daily (maybe almost daily), because that's the only way I really know how to cook! My kids are looking forward to me making some of their favorites again (especially brown sugar chicken, fish chowder, and 5-layer brownies), and I have a bunch of other recipes saved I'm dying to test out.
I also woke up to this last week, and am desperate to crank it up:

The Crock-Pot Trio. Thank you, Santa!
Will there be a book?
Yes. Make it Fast, Cook It Slow: The Big Book of Everyday Slow Cooking will contain over 300 tried-and-true gluten free slow cooker recipes, and will be published by Hyperion. It will hit bookstores everywhere on October 13, 2009.
But that's not my question!
Email me. contact AT stephanieodea DOT com
Thank you. Thank you for helping me to make 2008 one of the best years of my life. I could not have persevered without the daily hand-holding from all of you. My eyes well with tears when I go through and read the heartfelt comments you've left----you are all truly amazing.
Thank you so much. Happy New Year. 2009 is going to rock. I promise.
Need more? Read Frequently Asked Questions, Part II!
Happy New Year!
Thank you for sticking with me throughout my year-long challenge! If you'd like to see all of the recipes from 2008 in order, here they are.
If you'd like the Table of Contents for the entire site (there are over 600 recipes), here you go.
This is the 1st "Frequently Asked Question" post I've written. I've also written Part 2 and a Troubleshooting post.
How do I print out recipes?
At the bottom of each recipe there is a small "print recipe" button. Click on that, then choose your desired font size. You can decide to omit all of the pictures.
What happened to all the food?
We ate it, and shared with friends and family. We now have a very nicely stocked freezer.
What's up with the gluten free?
My youngest daughter has Celiac, and we have decided as a family to all eat gluten free while at home. If you are gluten free, please check all food labels yourself. Food manufacturers change ingredients often, and without warning. If you do not need to worry about gluten, ignore my notes and use the food brands you are comfortable with. You can read more about our gluten free story, here.
Do you travel with your slow cooker?
Yes. Bringing along a slow cooker when traveling ensures that your food is allergen-free and also saves a ton of money.
Did you save money this year?
No. We spent a lot on groceries this year because of the nature of the challenge. I cooked much more food than our family needed, and tried fancier ingredients/spices than I would have in a normal year. I figured this would happen and budgeted accordingly. Most people save a bunch of money by using the slow cooker, though. Here's an article on how to save money by using the slow cooker.
How much weight did you gain this year?
8 pounds. Thank you for asking.
Was your family annoyed at you?
No, not at all. My family is and always has been incredibly supportive of all my endeavors. This really turned into a family project. My kids, husband, parents, brother, grandparents, father-in-law, and friends have all given recipes or recipe ideas. They've also enjoyed eating the food!
How did you get on the Rachael Ray Show?
I emailed the show.
Why are the comments moderated? Did you get a nasty commenter?
Sort of. A reader got me on a bad day and I didn't like what he wrote (he said that my food looked like slimy green poop and that I should take a photography class). He was right---the photo was horrid, but it still hurt my feelings. I've had the moderation on since, and I'm happy with it because I need to actually read (more carefully than before) comments and respond to questions.
Do you have any resolutions for 2009?
Yes. I'd like to stop biting my nails, complete Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, get the side yard rocks moved to where they should go (or get Adam to do it), start and maintain a blog for Totally Together: Shortcuts to an Organized Life, begin a garden gnome collection, and not stress out so much.
I'm worried about the not stressing so much.
How do you come up with your recipes?
I have the best readers in the world, and they send me new recipes every day. I've got a ton bookmarked that I haven't been able to test out yet. I also read a bunch of food blogs through BlogHer and watch Food TV. I also make stuff up. Sometimes it doesn't work.
I need to cook something for a group of people and it needs to be super-easy.
Taco Soup. It's always a hit.
Will you keep the site up?
Yes. It will live on in cyberspace, and I'll update about once a week indefinitely.
What kind of slow cooker do you use?
updated 11/12: I now use the Ninja Cooking System full-time. Here is a write-up about the Ninja, and here are the other slow cookers I recommend.
Are you going to still use your slow cooker(s) a lot?
Yes. I will continue to use my slow cookers probably daily (maybe almost daily), because that's the only way I really know how to cook! My kids are looking forward to me making some of their favorites again (especially brown sugar chicken, fish chowder, and 5-layer brownies), and I have a bunch of other recipes saved I'm dying to test out.
I also woke up to this last week, and am desperate to crank it up:
The Crock-Pot Trio. Thank you, Santa!
Will there be a book?
Yes. Make it Fast, Cook It Slow: The Big Book of Everyday Slow Cooking will contain over 300 tried-and-true gluten free slow cooker recipes, and will be published by Hyperion. It will hit bookstores everywhere on October 13, 2009.
But that's not my question!
Email me. contact AT stephanieodea DOT com
Thank you. Thank you for helping me to make 2008 one of the best years of my life. I could not have persevered without the daily hand-holding from all of you. My eyes well with tears when I go through and read the heartfelt comments you've left----you are all truly amazing.
Thank you so much. Happy New Year. 2009 is going to rock. I promise.
Need more? Read Frequently Asked Questions, Part II!