
Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Mencegah Baterai Laptop, Handphone Drop

Sebenarnya sebelum saya menuliskan artikel ini saya sendiri sudah kena juga karena laptop saya sekarang hanya bisa bertahan 1800 detik alias 30 menit. Meski sebelumnya saya sudah tau tipsnya tapi kadang "Males" itu datang meski hanya melepas koneksi listrik saja ogah..akhirnya begini jadinya.

Baterai laptop maupun handphone (hp) sama-saja dalam penggunaannya, apabila sering digunakan maka

Minggu, 27 Juni 2010


huuu...hh rasa kecewa keluar dari benaku setelah melihat pertandingan bulu tangkis djarum indonesia open super series ,yang dmana saat itu antara pebulu tangkis andalan indonesia peringkat 5 bwf,taufik hidayat melawan peringkat 1 bwf yg juga andalan malaysia lee cong wei.
bermain di kandang sendiri dan di dukung sekitar 9rb suporter tuan rumah,ternyata belum mampu mendukung taufik untuk mengalahkan cong wei,..berat memang,usia dan kelas pun berbicara.taufik yg berusia 29 th dan cong wei 27 th mampu membuktikan bahwa stamina nya lebih kuat daripada taufik.itu terlihat pada babak ke dua.
babak pertama, taufik memberi perlawanan sengit,walaupun harus mengakui kehebatan cong wei.,dengan sekor 21-19.namun di babak kedua,taufik tak bisa berbuat banyak,karena kalah stamina,lagi lagi taufik harus mengakui kekuatan lawan degan sekor 21-09..jauh sekali ya ketinggalanya?..
kecewa itu jelas keluar setelah wakil indonesia tidak satupun yg dapat menyabet gelar juara.
bermain di laga terakhir,membuat penonton harus rela menunggu berjam jam untuk mendukung jagoan andalannya.tapi apa boleh buat,lawan lebih kuat,dan taufik pun takluk oleh lawannya..

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Slow Cooker Big Easy Meatloaf Recipe

It's the summer! And evidently that means that I neglect the computer.

oops! Sorry about that.

But I have been crockpotting, and I'd like to share a meatloaf I threw together that we enjoyed out in the yard.

I really appreciate that I can use the crockpot on a hot day and not have it heat up the house the way the oven or stove does. I also appreciate that the kids and I can be out in the yard playing in the water instead of hanging out in the house while I tend to dinner.

The Ingredients
serves 4-6

1 pound lean ground turkey or beef
1 small onion, chopped
2 fully cooked andouille sausage links (6-ounces, total)
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon thyme
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 egg, lightly beaten

The Directions

Use a 6-quart slow cooker. I put a metal loaf pan into the slow cooker and baked the meatloaf in it (no need to add water, just put the loaf pan into the crock), but if you'd prefer to not use a loaf pan, you can just make a blob with the meat and put it directly into the crock.

Anyhow, take the casing off of the sausage, and chop it into pieces. Toss it in a mixing bowl with the ground meat, all the spices and the beaten egg. Mix well; I always use my hands. Shove the meat mixture into a 9 x 5 x 3 baking pan and put this pan into an oval crockpot (or plop the meat blob into the crock all alone).

Cover, and cook on low for 6-8 hours, or on high for 3 to 5 hours. You'll know the loaf is done when it's brown on the top and it starts to pull away from the sides. If you're not using the loaf pan, the meat will cook faster---check after 4 hours on low, 2 to 3 on high.

When thoroughly cooked, turn off and unplug the cooker and let the meat sit for about 15 minutes before removing from the pot.

The Verdict

I loved how the andouille sausage livens up this meatloaf (which can sometimes be pretty darn boring). I also liked that I was able to use up the two sausages I had roaming about the freezer and a package of ground turkey meat. We ate our meatloaf in the yard with some potato wedges. The kids always dip meatloaf into A-1 sauce.


more meatloaf!

traditional meatloaf
blue cheese and cherry meatloaf (sounds weird, but it's totally good)

I haven't started reading The Help yet, have you? I ordered it through Amazon, and sent it off with Grandma with strict instructions not to bring it back until July 1 so I could meet a few writing deadlines. She read it in three days, and LOVED it. I'm so looking forward to diving in!

brand new in the GF/CF world: My friend Diane just released her new cookbook, available for download. It's a great price, and a wonderful resource. She is also offering an affiliate program if you'd like to help out with advertising (this is not an affiliate link, btw, just helping to get the word out!).

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

sebuah keinginan

sukses dalam hidup mungkin ada dala setiap benak orang.tak terkecuali saya sendiri.

karna dalam kehidupan membutuhkan suatu roda kehidupan yg kan terus berputar sampai akhirnya nanti..brermacam macam roda kehidupan,salah satu nya yaitu,kesuksesan...berusaha,berdoa,dan siap menerima resiko serta kerja keraslah syaratnya....

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Menampilkan Hidden File Folder Terserang Virus

Permasalahan kerusakan file, kehilangan file, file terhidden/disembunyikan virus, folder diubah menjadi folder.exe a(executable), hal semacam ini sudah sering sekali dipertanyakan dan sudah banyak yang menulis di blog/web mereka sebagai jawaban atas pertanyaan tersebut.

Hari ini virus tersebut ternyata belum tamat juga... karena hari ini terbukti pertanyaan itu muncul kembali di Facebook

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

kecelakaan saat pulang dari wisata ke pangandaran

hari itu jumat yg kurang bahagi buat ku,walawpun disisi lain saya sedang bahagia karena hari itu
adalah masih dalam suasana idul fitri,karena baru 3 hari dari hari "h" nya. di mana sanak,teman dan keluarga sedang berkumpul..dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk berwisata ke pantai pangandaran,kebetulan lokasi rumah saya gak jbegitu jauh dari pangandaran,..yah sekitar 35 km an dah,,dan kami pun berangkat bersama menggunakan sepeda motor masing-masing,,saya sendiri satu motor bertiga, yaitu,.saya,ibu saya dan kepnakan yg baru berumur 3 th..dan kamipun berngkat sampai tujuan..kebahagiaan pun betambah karena bisa membuang penat bersama keluarga di pantai...2 jam pun belalu di pantai dengan debur ombak dan banyak orang lain di sana sebelum akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk pulang,,dengan rasa senang kami pun pulang. karena jalanan begitu ramai,di tambah salip sana salip sini,akhirnya kita berpencar dengan yg lain..saat itu sekitar jam setengah 2,di tengah perjalanan,tepatnya di bundaran bagolo kalipucang,serempetan pun terjadi dan sekaligus membuyarkan kebahagiaan kami..krasak...brak..pengendara lain menyerempat ku dari belakang,dan akhirnya kami pun jatuh samua,begtu jg dg orang yg nyerempet tadi,,akhirnya kepala ibu saya pun keluar darah dan pingsan di tempat.beruntung warga sekitar cukup sigap dan langsung d bawa ke puskesmas terdekat, saya sendiri jg keponakan sy beruntung karena cuma luka lecet-lecet saja..dan akhirnya ibu saya pun di bawa pulang dan di rawat di rumah..3 bulan lamanya di rawat.,akhirnya sembuh dan seperti biasa lg,,tp dengan kekurangan yaitu pendengaran dan kadang masih terasa sakit saya masih bersyukur karena kami masih di beri keselamatan...

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Tips Sebelum Memulai Mencari Uang di Internet

Blogger pemula seperti saya tidak ada salahnya untuk mencari sesuatu yang mempunyai nilai tambah itu hal yang wajar. Semula awalnya saya hanya ingin mengetahui apa sebenarnya blog itu sehingga saya mencoba membuat sebuah blog. Tapi sebelumnya saya mencari tahu dulu seluk beluk tentang blog di dunia maya dan ditunjukkan oleh om google apa itu blog dan bagaimana membuatnya.Setelah mengetahui

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Link Blog Sobat BIK Pemula

Blog WeruTech
EndiPiran TobiPuken Blog
Blog Lalu Lintas
Hendri Piran
Klik Ganda
Femalebox TobiPuken
Femalebox TobiPuken
Aksesoris Komputer

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

Sharing Internet Modem via WiFi

Koneksi internet hanya 2 komputer (biasa dikenal dengan sebutan peer to peer connection) via Wifi untuk memanfaatkan koneksi internet menggunakan modem, baik itu modem CDMA, GSM atau Speedy dapat dilakukan dengan mudah.

Untuk menggunakan koneksi internet via modem secara bersama oleh 2 orang yang menggunakan laptop dan memiliki media wireless network built in, tidaklah sulit namun perlu

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

RF Bizantium (RF Private Server Indonesia)

RF Bizantium
Ready to Play

Exp 100x, All PT/FORCE GM, Booty 10x Gli and Beam. Minning 50x. Drop 20x.
Aktive GM and Admin.
Disable Lelang
All weapon, armor, and shield 65 in NPC.
All Relic 45 - 55, Leon Armor 50, and Leon Weapon in NPC
Chas Shop FUll in NPC
Small Box, Favor, Ignorant, Grace, Darknes, And Wisdom In NPC Chas Shop...
Dragon Armor in NPC PVP "Hanya 3 jutaan" sementara harga masih error tapi dapat di beli.
max donasi: +5
Talic tetep dari nambang ^^ biar semangat War nya.
YM admin: roslaw_coolz[at]

LGS, pelor smua ad di game CP >>



register di webny ad

download pacth:
timpa ke rf LOE, klo udah terlanjur golden mistery timpa reserve patchny dulu baru timpa ke patch rf bizan

acc owning nih, over populate, wkwkkw

gw aj maen acc, wkwkwk

RF Bizantium (RF Private Server Indonesia)

RF Bizantium
Ready to Play

Exp 100x, All PT/FORCE GM, Booty 10x Gli and Beam. Minning 50x. Drop 20x.
Aktive GM and Admin.
Disable Lelang
All weapon, armor, and shield 65 in NPC.
All Relic 45 - 55, Leon Armor 50, and Leon Weapon in NPC
Chas Shop FUll in NPC
Small Box, Favor, Ignorant, Grace, Darknes, And Wisdom In NPC Chas Shop...
Dragon Armor in NPC PVP "Hanya 3 jutaan" sementara harga masih error tapi dapat di beli.
max donasi: +5
Talic tetep dari nambang ^^ biar semangat War nya.
YM admin: roslaw_coolz[at]

LGS, pelor smua ad di game CP >>



register di webny ad

download pacth:
timpa ke rf LOE, klo udah terlanjur golden mistery timpa reserve patchny dulu baru timpa ke patch rf bizan

acc owning nih, over populate, wkwkkw

gw aj maen acc, wkwkwk

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Mengubah Header Blog

Header atau judul blog yang biasanya terletak paling atas dari sebuah tampilan blog memang sangat menentukan kekhasan tersediri. Dengan melihat judulnya kita sudah bisa membayangkan isi dari blog tersebut, oleh karena itu para blogger belomba-lomba mendesain tampilan blog sedemikian rupa sehingga terlihat menawan dan mempunyai identitas yang berbeda dengan blog yang lain.

Sebenarnya artikel

Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

Step By Step Alt Tab (Windows 7 Mode) Free Virus

d sini ane mw share cara/software yg bisa d pake buat alt tab pke windows 7..

step 1:
DL dlu nih gan.. 4t-minimize-tray

step 2:
install dlu 4t minimize traynya.. langsung next" aj gan..

step 3:

klik 4t-min .. kya gambar d bawah ini gan..
Posted Image

step 4:
nah nanti kn dah kbuka kaya gini gan..
Posted Image

minimize aja.. nanti dgn sndirinya dia akan masuk k tray.. itu lhoo ada d sblh pojok kanan bawah
Posted Image

step 5:
jalanin PB nya.. trus klo mw alt tab.. tinggal pencet SHIFT + Esc deh..

udah deh..happy browsing n happy cheating..

NB : klo mw munculin PB nya lagi.. ada d kolom tray jg.. yg d pjok kanan itu.. tinggal klik 2x aj gan..

Credit : friedman1 N3

Step By Step Alt Tab (Windows 7 Mode) Free Virus

d sini ane mw share cara/software yg bisa d pake buat alt tab pke windows 7..

step 1:
DL dlu nih gan.. 4t-minimize-tray

step 2:
install dlu 4t minimize traynya.. langsung next" aj gan..

step 3:

klik 4t-min .. kya gambar d bawah ini gan..
Posted Image

step 4:
nah nanti kn dah kbuka kaya gini gan..
Posted Image

minimize aja.. nanti dgn sndirinya dia akan masuk k tray.. itu lhoo ada d sblh pojok kanan bawah
Posted Image

step 5:
jalanin PB nya.. trus klo mw alt tab.. tinggal pencet SHIFT + Esc deh..

udah deh..happy browsing n happy cheating..

NB : klo mw munculin PB nya lagi.. ada d kolom tray jg.. yg d pjok kanan itu.. tinggal klik 2x aj gan..

Credit : friedman1 N3

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Repair Sistem Operasi Windows XP

Sistem operasi windows adalah jembatan penghubung antara user atau pengguna komputer dengan aplikasi-aplikasi yang berbasis windows sehingga sistem operasi windows sangatlah penting untuk selalu diperhatikan dan dirawat agar penggunaan sistem operasi windows tetap stabil sehingga aplikasi yang ada di dalamnya tetap bisa dapat digunakan.

Namun tidak selamanya sistem operasi itu berjalan mulus

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

A Book Club! so my brain doesn't go to mush!

[there is a new recipe for Country Captain Chicken down below]

I wrote last week about the possibility of reading a book or two together over the summer holiday. I haven't done much reading (other than Pat the Bunny and cookbooks) lately, and I miss it.

I received nineteen recommendations to read Kathryn Stockett's, The Help.
I don't know anything about this book other than the information listed on Amazon, and that it appears to be a bit controversial to some reviewers.

But my friend Danielle sells an awful lot of copies, and Shirley liked it, so that's good enough for me.

The kids are off school this upcoming Monday, and I'll need a good book to read during quiet reading time. Penny (I don't have a link for Penny!) pointed out that it's still only available in hardback (although there is a kindle version), but my local library has 12 copies, so hopefully yours has a copy to borrow.

How's July 15 or thereabouts work? I've got a deadline July 1, which is why I'd prefer a bit of wiggle-room. The 15th is a Thursday.

I'll start a discussion on this site in the morning, and then host a live twitter party that evening---5 to 6 pm pacific time.

If you don't have twitter, no worries. You can still follow along, even without an account.

As for facebook, I'm still a holdout. I don't have an account---I'm super nervous to have "just one more thing" to check during the day, and I figure if anyone really wants to get a hold of me they can track me down. That said, a reader did start a fan page where you can evidently chat back and forth. I think. I'm not actually sure how it all works!

Happy reading! See you on July 15th!

Country Captain Chicken Slow Cooker Recipe

Hello! I'm going to share my absolute new favorite recipe of all time with you today. Hold on to your socks---this is a great one, and no one will ever know how super simple it was to throw together.

It'll be our secret.

I got excited to make Country Captain after watching an episode of Throwdown with Bobby Flay, where this was the featured dish.

[aside: am I the only one who feels badly for the poor challenger who thinks he/she is being filmed for their own Food Network special? My heart just breaks for them.]

There are lots of listed ingredients, but chances are you already have most of the stuff on hand.

The Ingredients.
serves 6

1 3/4 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs (mine were frozen solid)
2 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and diced (someday I want one of those peeler thingies)
1 onion, peeled and diced
1 green bell pepper, seeded and diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon curry powder
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 cup raisins (or 2 T currants. I like raisins.)
1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 cup raw long-grain basmati white rice (to add later)
1 pound fully cooked shrimp (to add later, I used frozen already-shelled)

The Directions.

Use a 6-quart slow cooker. Put the chicken into the bottom of your stoneware. Add chopped apple, onion, and bell pepper. Add garlic and all spices. Toss in the raisins and the entire can of diced tomatoes. Stir in the chicken broth. Cover and cook on low for 6 hours, or until chicken is tender, but still intact. Using tongs, remove chicken carefully from the slow cooker and place in a covered dish to keep warm.

Stir in raw white rice. Cover and cook again for about 30 minutes, or until rice is bite-tender. Stir in frozen shrimp, and recover cook for about 15 minutes, or until shrimp is heated through.

Serve rice and shrimp mixture on a plate with chicken pieces arranged on top.

The Verdict.

I wish I had eaten more of this--I mistakenly wandered from the table to tend to the baby. The rice cooks beautifully in the curried sauce, and the shrimp softens nicely and provides a great texture against the rice and raisins. My kids love how raisins plump when slow-cooked. My dad ate all the leftovers, and called twice with high praises.

The shrimp is the most expensive component to this dish, and while I adore all things shrimp, it isn't a necessity. Your chicken and rice will be still be quite lovely if you choose to omit this ingredient.

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Roasted Garlic Spoonbread Slow Cooker Recipe

Hello, there! I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. We sure did----we laid kind of low and played in the backyard and went to the park. The weather finally cooperated long enough for me to get some vegetables into the ground, and my fingers are crossed that I actually remember to water them this year.

Adam barbecued on Saturday (because it would be un-American to not barbecue during Memorial Day weekend!), and I played around with a spoonbread recipe I was given and made a really savory and delicious side dish in the crockpot.

There's a LOT Of garlic in here---enough to ward off a pack of vampires.

The Ingredients.
serves 4-6

3/4 cup yellow cornmeal
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons melted butter
4 eggs
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese (I used the stuff in the can)
1 head garlic, cloves peeled but intact (about 15 cloves)

The Directions.

Use a 2-quart slow cooker (1.5 quarts is fine, just cook a bit longer---I used one of the sections of the crockpot trio).
In a large mixing bowl, combine cornmeal, sugar, pepper, milk, melted butter, and eggs until you've got a nice batter. No need to use a mixer---just whisk it together until there aren't any big lumps. Stir in Parmesan cheese and garlic cloves. Pour the batter into a greased slow cooker. Cover and cook on low for 4 to 5 hours, or on high for 2 to 3. Your spoonbread is finished when the center is set and an inserted skewer comes out clean.

We had ours alongside salmon patties (frozen, from Costco--no filler, totally gluten free, yay!) Adam barbecued. It'd pair nicely with roasted chicken or pork chops, too.

The Verdict.

The garlic roasts inside the cornbread, creating a moist and savory side dish. The girls picked the garlic out (they were huge cloves, and a bit much for them), but ate all the cornbread. I liked the tiny hint of spice from the cayenne. I sprinkled paprika on for the picture. In retrospect, I should have used smoked paprika---it would have added a nice hint of smokiness.

super good.

On a side note:

I wrote an article on Village of Moms about Slow Cooker freezer meals and TV Dinners.

also, the $125 Visa Gift Card is still up for grabs over on my review blog. I'd love to get some more comments/entries. The more entries, the more likely bigger and better stuff comes my way to share with you!

and, I'm thinking of doing a summer book club, if you're interested. At first I thought I could swing a book a month (3 books), but I think that's too much. Maybe 2--and discuss on twitter in mid-July and then the end of August? I'm not sure---just thinking/typing out loud...
if you have any ideas for good books, I'd love to hear them!

only 8 more days of school!!

Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Craking WIndows XP menjadi ASli

 to the point ajah....

* Buka Notepad dan copy script di bawah.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents]
"OOBETimer"=hex:ff,d5,71,d6,8b,6a,8d,6f,d5,33,93,f d
"LastWPAEventLogged"=hex:d5,07,05,00,06,00,07,00,0 f,00,38,00,24,00,fd,02
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
"CurrentBuild"="1.511.1 () (Obsolete data - do not use)"
"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows XP"
"RegisteredOrganization"="Icon Computer"
"RegisteredOwner"="Icon Computer"
"DigitalProductId"=hex:a4,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,35, 35,32,37,34,2d,36,34,30,2d,\
38,33,36,35,33,39,31,2d,32,33,32,30,31,00,2e,00,00 ,00,41,32,32,2d,30,30,30,\
30,31,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,76,c7,64,cc,82,46,03,68 ,eb,53,4a,11,a5,85,03,00,\
00,00,00,00,b3,27,d3,44,1f,3c,3b,00,00,00,00,00,00 ,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\
00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,38,30,35,32,35,00 ,00,00,00,00,00,00,89,18,\
00,00,5c,10,78,54,7f,01,00,00,fc,1a,00,00,00,00,00 ,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\
00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 ,3a,db,c2,b8
"LicenseInfo"=hex:33,8f,a0,1f,f1,70,1e,70,76,91,0c ,85,8d,d8,72,e6,22,81,8b,ae,\
5c,a3,55,fb,a2,d3,ba,60,f6,d0,4e,4a,37,85,5d,00,86 ,39,5b,db,dd,fc,35,91,3c,\

* Ganti tulisan yg warna merah sesuai yg anda inginkan.

* Klik File > Save as.. dan ganti Save as type jd All Files. Beri nama CurrentVersion.reg tekan save.
* Setelah itu klik 2x utk menjalankannya dan Restart komputer anda.
* Selanjutnya install program WGAPluginInstall yg bisa di download DISINI utk validasi Windows biar jd asli.
* Setelah semua langkah selesai lakukan pengecekan DISINI
* Jika berhasil maka hasilnya seperti dibawah ini.

Craking WIndows XP menjadi ASli

 to the point ajah....

* Buka Notepad dan copy script di bawah.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents]
"OOBETimer"=hex:ff,d5,71,d6,8b,6a,8d,6f,d5,33,93,f d
"LastWPAEventLogged"=hex:d5,07,05,00,06,00,07,00,0 f,00,38,00,24,00,fd,02
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
"CurrentBuild"="1.511.1 () (Obsolete data - do not use)"
"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows XP"
"RegisteredOrganization"="Icon Computer"
"RegisteredOwner"="Icon Computer"
"DigitalProductId"=hex:a4,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,35, 35,32,37,34,2d,36,34,30,2d,\
38,33,36,35,33,39,31,2d,32,33,32,30,31,00,2e,00,00 ,00,41,32,32,2d,30,30,30,\
30,31,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,76,c7,64,cc,82,46,03,68 ,eb,53,4a,11,a5,85,03,00,\
00,00,00,00,b3,27,d3,44,1f,3c,3b,00,00,00,00,00,00 ,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\
00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,38,30,35,32,35,00 ,00,00,00,00,00,00,89,18,\
00,00,5c,10,78,54,7f,01,00,00,fc,1a,00,00,00,00,00 ,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\
00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 ,3a,db,c2,b8
"LicenseInfo"=hex:33,8f,a0,1f,f1,70,1e,70,76,91,0c ,85,8d,d8,72,e6,22,81,8b,ae,\
5c,a3,55,fb,a2,d3,ba,60,f6,d0,4e,4a,37,85,5d,00,86 ,39,5b,db,dd,fc,35,91,3c,\

* Ganti tulisan yg warna merah sesuai yg anda inginkan.

* Klik File > Save as.. dan ganti Save as type jd All Files. Beri nama CurrentVersion.reg tekan save.
* Setelah itu klik 2x utk menjalankannya dan Restart komputer anda.
* Selanjutnya install program WGAPluginInstall yg bisa di download DISINI utk validasi Windows biar jd asli.
* Setelah semua langkah selesai lakukan pengecekan DISINI
* Jika berhasil maka hasilnya seperti dibawah ini.

[CHEAT] 100% upgrade in RF Online(CS)

work di all RF PS ama RF ind, asal tau bypassnya


1.Bukak WPE Pro

2. Filter 1:

filter 2:

filter 3 <<<


3. check 3 filter, turn on pas upgrading... dan pooooooffff langsung +7!!!!!!

4. turn off filternya, trus enjoy itemmu ^^

efek item berlaku sampe kamu logout game alias cmn CS[Client Side]

NB: jangan make gem, cmn make talic

[CHEAT] 100% upgrade in RF Online(CS)

work di all RF PS ama RF ind, asal tau bypassnya


1.Bukak WPE Pro

2. Filter 1:

filter 2:

filter 3 <<<


3. check 3 filter, turn on pas upgrading... dan pooooooffff langsung +7!!!!!!

4. turn off filternya, trus enjoy itemmu ^^

efek item berlaku sampe kamu logout game alias cmn CS[Client Side]

NB: jangan make gem, cmn make talic

[SHARE] SHY engine for Point Blank

Caranya :
Jalankan SHY. Pilih Game dengan browse, contoh: xian adalah gersang.exe dan pangya adalah projectG.exe, ragnarok adalah Ragexe.exe
Setelah itu baru jalankan game-nya.

lain2 coba2 sendiri ya.Semua game di indo ini bisa dipakai sekalipun ada nprotect atau Hackshieldnya.
Kalau ada pesan "access denied" saat memilih target file, itu artinya anda membutuhkan key untuk game tsb.

Key ditujukan agar distribusi file ini terbatas.selama ini hanya untuk kalangan sendiri saja.^^

Format pencarian:
pilih dropbox, eg: sequence value;
nanti akan muncul contohnya, misal 1,2,3
format sequence tidak dibatasi.Jadi kalau anda ingin mencari data yg berurutan letaknya eg:

maka format sequence- nya adalah 1000,23,4000,5,12
begitu seterusnya, panjang tidak dibatasi.

Pemilihan tipe hanya 1,2,4 byte(realistis saja), jenis tersebut yg paling banyak dipakai.
tidak disarankan mencari value 0 untuk pertama kalinya(abis tuh memory entar).

cara kerja program menggunakan resource dari game(untuk menembus nprotect/hackshield),
jadi mungkin game akan sedikit lambat,tergantung thread priority-nya.
On Idle berarti game enteng tapi pencarian lambat.

Tidak ada unknown value(untuk menghemat resource).
tidak ada debugger(langsung quit<>Nprotect/HS)

pada tampilan visual progress bar.



buat PB, langsung masuk aj,

g bakal kedeteck, 24 jam nonstop,

tutorial? cari ndiri dah, males ngetik gw...

[SHARE] SHY engine for Point Blank

Caranya :
Jalankan SHY. Pilih Game dengan browse, contoh: xian adalah gersang.exe dan pangya adalah projectG.exe, ragnarok adalah Ragexe.exe
Setelah itu baru jalankan game-nya.

lain2 coba2 sendiri ya.Semua game di indo ini bisa dipakai sekalipun ada nprotect atau Hackshieldnya.
Kalau ada pesan "access denied" saat memilih target file, itu artinya anda membutuhkan key untuk game tsb.

Key ditujukan agar distribusi file ini terbatas.selama ini hanya untuk kalangan sendiri saja.^^

Format pencarian:
pilih dropbox, eg: sequence value;
nanti akan muncul contohnya, misal 1,2,3
format sequence tidak dibatasi.Jadi kalau anda ingin mencari data yg berurutan letaknya eg:

maka format sequence- nya adalah 1000,23,4000,5,12
begitu seterusnya, panjang tidak dibatasi.

Pemilihan tipe hanya 1,2,4 byte(realistis saja), jenis tersebut yg paling banyak dipakai.
tidak disarankan mencari value 0 untuk pertama kalinya(abis tuh memory entar).

cara kerja program menggunakan resource dari game(untuk menembus nprotect/hackshield),
jadi mungkin game akan sedikit lambat,tergantung thread priority-nya.
On Idle berarti game enteng tapi pencarian lambat.

Tidak ada unknown value(untuk menghemat resource).
tidak ada debugger(langsung quit<>Nprotect/HS)

pada tampilan visual progress bar.



buat PB, langsung masuk aj,

g bakal kedeteck, 24 jam nonstop,

tutorial? cari ndiri dah, males ngetik gw...