I'm going to be on Good Morning America on Thursday (2/19) morning.
So, um, you should watch.
I'm a little nervous.
I'm not going on for the Slow Cooker Challenge with Emeril, although thank you so much to everyone who emailed me about that---it sounds amazing, but I didn't get my act together in time to enter.
I am going to demonstrate a slow-cooked meal, but I'm not sure yet which one.
I'm leaving Wednesday morning, and will only stay one night. But! Some pork recipes will magically post all by themselves because I have finally figured out how to auto-post. It only took 14 months...
and. I've never flown by myself, so I'm kind of sort of freaking out.
and. do I wear the red or the blue sweater? (say the blue one)
and. will the zit on my chin clear in time?
and. since it's live I can't screw up---which makes me even more freaked out. But I've heard there's a few second delay in case someone drops the F-bomb. Which I'm not planning on doing, but you never really know, so it's good to have that as a back up just in case.
I think.