Selasa, 28 September 2010
Sabtu, 25 September 2010

aktifitas sesuatu,aku sendiri seakan acuh dan cuek dengan apa yang enkau perintah....yah mungkin karene nenek masih bisa melakukannya sendiri kali yaa?...
hhmm...sekarang di ketidak berdayaanmu,seolah aku tunduk kepada apa yang engkau perintahkan,termasuk nasehatmu pun aku akan berusaha untuk menjalankanya....
nek...sebenarnya aku sayang sekali kepadamu ,walaupun di saat itu aku suka melawan saat apa yang engkau perintahkan,,,....
sudahlah,yang berlalu biarlah berlalu,..aku akan coba memberikan yang terbaik buatmu di masa masa senja umurmu,,,
NEK....I LOVE YOU eemmmuuuaahh...
Rabu, 22 September 2010
Menampilkan Folder Dihidden Virus
tips trik, Virus Anti Virus
Virus memang sangat menjengkelkan, ada virus yang merusak, menghapus data namun ada virus hanya menyembunyikan data.
Seperti yang saya alami kemarin, salah seorang konsumen saya yang saya bantu memberikan materi belajar internet di rumahnya, kebetulan di komputer konsumen saya ini tidak terpasang antivirus sehingga virus dengan leluasa masuk ke komputer ini tanpa permisi...
Selasa, 21 September 2010
Install Dua Office Dalam Satu Komputer
Microsoft Office, software
Cepatnya perkembangan microsoft office membuat pengguna komputer kewalahan mempelajarinya sehingga tidak bisa menguasai microsoft office versi seblumnya dan kita sudah dihadapkan dengan microsoft office versi terbaru.
Belum sempat belajar secara tuntas microsoft office versi yang lebih kecil sudah ada microsoft office versi terbaru sehingga kita sebagai pengguna microsoft office dalam
Hoppin' John Slow Cooker Recipe
beans, budget friendly, casserole, crockpot, gluten free, Make it Fast Cook it Slow, slow cooker
Hoppin' John is traditionally made on New Year's Day to bring good luck and prosperity throughout the entire calendar year.
Today isn't January 1. Instead, it's September 21, the first day of fall. You remember the song from the musical, Mame? The one where it says "we need a little Christmas, right this very minute..." I think we could agree that we ALL could use a little good luck and prosperity right this very minute.
[edited 5:24 pm: okay, there's some disagreement over whether or not it's actually the first day of fall. It looks like I'm wrong---but the sentiment is still good!]
[edited 5:24 pm: okay, there's some disagreement over whether or not it's actually the first day of fall. It looks like I'm wrong---but the sentiment is still good!]
so here you go: Hoppin' John. If you win the lottery after eating, buy some crockpot books!
The Ingredients.
serves 10--freezes nicely!
1 pound dry black eyed peas, soaked overnight
4 cups chicken broth
1 pound smoked sausage, sliced
1/2 cup instant rice (or use 1 cup already cooked rice, and stir it in at the very end)
1 (10.5-ounce) can Rotel
1 bunch of collard greens or kale, chopped
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
The Directions.
Use a 6-quart slow cooker. Soak your beans overnight in a bunch of water and drain well in the morning and rinse in cool water. Put the beans directly into your slow cooker. If you don't have time to soak the beans overnight, that's okay! Instead, put them in a pot with a bunch of water and boil rapidly on the stove for 10 minutes. Then turn the heat off, and cover the pot. Let it sit for one hour, then drain and rinse and plop into the pot.
Once the beans are in the crock, add broth and sliced sausage. Stir in the rice and rotel. Add greens, and sprinkle on the salt and pepper. Cover ( you may need to shove in greens to get the lid on nicely) and cook on low for 8 to 12 hours, or until the beans are soft. Stir well before serving.
The Verdict.
We've got 101 days left in the year---lots of time for good luck to happen!
This tastes wonderful. It has more of a casserole consistency than a soup or stew, and my whole family enjoyed this meal. I liked how the smoky sausage flavored the beans and the kale I used just kind of shriveled up and disappeared----we got a great punch of iron without notice.
other stuff you should make:
the first time I made black eyed peas, I wasn't impressed
but then I made this totally awesome black eyed pea soup
and guess what? I just plopped in Barbecue Beef and Beans to put on top of toasted Udi's white bread (LOVE THIS BREAD) for dinner, and check out the date on this post: 2 years ago today! ack! totally trippy.
Selasa, 14 September 2010
Slow Cooker Pesto Spinach Lasagna Recipe
casserole, crockpot, gluten free, main course, slow cooker, vegetarian
I didn't grow up eating lasagna. I first heard of this dish while reading a comic book---although Jim Davis always spelled Garfield and Odie's favorite dish "lasagne." I remember asking my mom what it was and she said it was a layered pasta casserole with cheese.
I ate my first plate of lasagna when I was 12 or so at a friend's house during a sleepover. It was from Stauffer's. It was delicious, and I was hooked.
It's really not hard to make a good lasagna. I make it quite a bit, either in the crock or out. I like that I can shove extra veggies in without too much notice, and I like that I can use the odds and ends of bags of pasta---if I've only got a few traditional lasagna noodles, no problem---I throw in a layer of penne! If I've got the bits of a few different kinds of cheeses, who cares? I've even used the individually packaged string cheeses. It's all good.
There are very few vegetarian lasagnas worth eating. I've probably offended a bunch of people.
I'm sorry. But I stand by this claim: I haven't found a vegetarian lasagna (even in restaurants) where I haven't walked away wishing for meat and more flavor.
but I've found the secret to worthwhile vegetarian lasagna: Throw in pesto!
The Ingredients.
serves 8
1 (10-ounce) box lasagna noodles (I like tinkyada brown rice)
1 (11-ounce) container pesto (or by all means, make your own!)
1 (15-ounce) container ricotta cheese
1 (12-ounce) bag baby spinach
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
16 ounces mozzarella cheese, sliced
1/4 cup water
The Directions.
Use a 4 quart slow cooker. Put a spoonful of pasta sauce (about 1/4 cup) into the bottom of your cooker and swirl it around. Add a layer of uncooked lasagna noodles (you're going to have to break them to make a layer). Smear ricotta cheese and pesto onto the noodles. Add a handful or two of baby spinach, and top with a layer of Parmesan and slice mozzarella cheeses. Repeat layers until you've run out of ingredients. The spinach is fluffy, so you're going to have to squish it down to make it all fit.
Before closing the pot, put 1/4 cup of water into the empty pasta sauce jar and close and shake. Pour this saucy water over the top of everything.
Now cover up and cook on low for 6 hours, or on high for about 3 to 4. You'll know it's done when the top layer begins to brown and the cheese is melted and bubbly. It will also pull a bit away from the sides. Taste-test a noodle to check texture.
Uncover, and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes before serving.
The Verdict.
This recipe was a complete surprise. I was on the phone with my friend Danielle, and Adam walked in the door with 2 packages of pesto (I had asked him to pick up one, and it was buy 1 get 1 free). Instead of being a gracious wife, I began to whine about having too much pesto in the house to Danielle, and she told me to put it in lasagna.
She was right. I shouldn't have complained, life is good, lasagna rocks, it's fun to get the kids to eat spinach without them realizing it, and there are DEFINITELY worse things in the world than extra pesto.
Lesson learned.
Head held in shame.
more vegetarian main dish options:
end of summer harvest soup
sweet potato chili
honey lentils
jamaican pumpkin soup
potato leek
vegetarian no noodle lasagna
Kamis, 09 September 2010
Leftovers for Breakfast Casserole Slow Cooker Recipe
breakfast, budget friendly, casserole, crockpot, gluten free, slow cooker
I'm a hermit. Is it okay to be a hermit? I like to go for walks, and I certainly get enough Vitamin D by pulling weeds in the yard and hanging out at soccer practice, but if I had a choice I'd prefer to hang out at home in my jammies.
It's too bad WebVan went under. It'd be great to have milk, bananas, and orange juice delivered (why is it we're ALWAYS out of those things?).
And don't forget to bring fresh coffee.
There you go: that's a business venture to get behind! Breakfast delivery for
Or you could just load up the crockpot. it's probably easier.
The Ingredients.
serves 8
2 cups diced already-cooked meat (whatever leftovers you have in the house. Great way to use up shredded chicken, pot roast, corned beef, ham, turkey, or any combo you might have)
2 cups diced already-cooked veggies (asparagus, broccoli, roasted veggies, whatever)
8 eggs
1 cup milk (cow, soy, rice, goat)
2 cups shredded cheese (your choice, we usually have a combo of mozzarella and cheddar)
salt and pepper to taste at the table
The Directions.
Use a 6 quart slow cooker and spray the insert with cooking spray. Dump the still-frozen hashbrowns into the pot. In a mixing bowl, whip together the eggs and milk and stir in your cut up veggies, meat, and cheese.
Don't season right now, because your meat and veggies will have whatever flavor they had when they were first cooked (and ham and corned beef tend to have a lot of salt taste already), but instead season at the table. Pour this mixture on top of the hashbrowns.
Cover and cook on low for 6-7 hours (it's exactly 7 in my elume) or on high for about 3-4. If you've never cooked breakfast overnight in your cooker, opt for the low end of the cooking time. You can always let it cook on high if it's not quite done in the morning, or let it happily sit on warm until you're wide awake and ready for breakfast.
Michelle says she can't cook food overnight, though, because the smell keeps her awake! I don't have a suggestion for that... sorry. :-)
The Verdict.
This is a GREAT way to use up extra food from having company over or food left from holiday dinners. I know some of you are uncomfortable not having an exact recipe to follow, and I get it. I really do.
I promise though, that there is little room for error when crockpotting. If you like the ingredients going in, they'll taste good mixed in a casserole. If you can't stand asparagus, please don't use it! Use what tastes good TO YOU.
I know, I know. I sound like SUCH a mom...!
more breakfast dishes for the all day jammy club:
Mexican Breakfast Casserole
Original Hashbrown Casserole
Breakfast Potatoes and Sausage
Egg, Feta, and Mushroom Casserole
Breakfast Risotto
Baked Oatmeal
Hardboiled Eggs (no! don't try these!)
Selasa, 07 September 2010
Salmon with Lime Butter Slow Cooker Recipe
budget friendly, crockpot, fish, gluten free, slow cooker, summer cooking
This photo makes me smile. It's not the best---I've never been all that good at food photography---but while I scrolled through the newest downloads on the computer this morning, I started chuckling when I came to this picture.
It's fish. On a fish plate.
When Adam and I went to Crate and Barrel to register prior to our wedding, he scanned in this fish platter. I thought it was hideous.
but he wanted it, and was certain that somebody would buy it, even with the $120 price tag.
It certainly wasn't worth arguing over, so I held my cringe as he happily "zapped" it with the registry gun.
I don't remember which of our guests bought this platter, but I do know that this fish has been lovingly packed in bubble wrap each time we've moved, and we find every opportunity we can to bring it to the table.
A platter of brownies? put 'em on the fish.
Cheese and crackers? put 'em on the fish.
How about strawberries and grapes? put 'em on the fish.
It makes me smile every single time.
The Ingredients.
serves 2
I took this picture prematurely. I ended up adding more ingredients than are pictured (I told you I was lousy at food photography!)
2 salmon fillets (slightly frozen is okay)
1 tablespoon butter, melted
1/2 tablespoon lime juice
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon dried minced parsley (if you have fresh, chop up 1-2 teaspoons)
2 cloves minced garlic
aluminum foil
The Directions.
Use a 4-6 quart slow cooker. Spread a length of foil onto the countertop, and put the salmon fillets directly in the middle.
In a small bowl, melt the butter in the microwave, then stir in lime juice, pepper, garlic, and parsley. Brush this mixture all over the top of your fish. Fold the foil over and crimp the sides to make a packet.
Put this packet into the bottom of an empty slow cooker. Cover, and set to high for two hours.
Your fish is finished when it flakes easily with a fork.
Serve with steamed broccoli and quinoa (or something similar).
on a fish plate.
The Verdict.
The salmon gets infused with a nice mild citrusy flavor---it's not too limey, and if I didn't know better, I'd probably think it's lemon. And yup, if you'd rather use up the lemons on your tree, go ahead and use them! It's all good.
This was enough fish for me and Adam and the girls, but would really only fill up two adults. I'm pleased that there was enough flavor that no one at the table asked for tartar sauce!
I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. I'm so happy to spend another fall crockpotting with you!
Fish. It's what's for dinner. In the crock.
parmesan tilapia
fish chowder
lobster bisque
mahi mahi
sweet and spicy salmon
fillet of sole with pesto
barbecued shrimp (snuck that one in there! :-) )
september 7, 2008 flashback: fruit leather
Minggu, 05 September 2010
Meal Planning with the Slow Cooker
challenge, crockpot, gluten free, slow cooker, staple
I've been thinking a lot about meal planning lately. Last year took on a life of it's own with the brand-new-recipe-every-single-day-because-I-am-absolutely-bonkers challenge.
But it's 2009. And 2009 seems to be the year that we (global along with personal 'we' here) go back to basics. Basics are good.
I fell in love with the slow cooker because of how I could stretch meals, and make-do with pantry staples. I've slow-cooked and re-purposed with the cooker this past week or so, and would like to share.
Last Saturday, my mom hosted a breakfast to celebrate a visit from our Scottish relatives (not these ones; different ones, yet still related!) I made the Hashbrown Breakfast Casserole, but mixed it up a bit. Mom didn't want meat. So I cut the meat, added mushrooms and another bell pepper, and upped the seasoning to make up for flavor since there wasn't any sausage. It turned out great.
On Sunday, I made Tilapia in Foil Packets, served with quinoa and broccoli. Instead of using cheddar cheese, I used shredded Parmesan--it was fantastic, and the kids each ate two servings.
Yesterday (Monday), I made Taco Soup. Taco soup is still the hands-down go-to meal when I want to ensure the kids eat a hearty meal. Adam took leftovers for lunch today, and we still have 1 quart left for a planned leftover night.
Today I've got lasagna bubbling away in the cooker. It's raining BUCKETS, and I have no interest in going to the store, so I made due with stuff we had in the cabinets and freezer.
For pasta sauce, I'm using Trader Joe's Vodka sauce. For meat, I've cut up 3 frozen chicken and apple sausages (Aidells) and 5 gluten-free Italian Meatballs (Coleman Natural, purchased at Costco).
We didn't have any ricotta in the house, so I left it out, and used leftover mushrooms from the Hashbrown Breakfast Casserole, some spinach, and chopped broccoli from Sunday night's Tilapia dinner.
For cheese, I used shredded Mexican blend (not Italian, oh no!) I bought on sale to go with the Taco Soup. I also used 2 string cheeses.
And for the pasta: I only had 3 Tinkyada lasagna noodles in the house, so a few of the layers are with brown rice penne from Trader Joe's. I didn't follow my own recipe AT ALL. But this will be a good dinner, I can already tell---and it was "free."
updated 3/5: we DID like this, but decided that it wasn't lasagna, just a casserole.
Wednesday is leftover night. I always throw in a leftover night (lots of times 2!)----we clean out the fridge and make-do with stuff already in the house. Sometimes I re-purpose leftovers and make fried rice. If I make anything "fried" tomorrow, it will be fried quinoa, because I still have 2 cups leftover from Sunday.
On Thursday I'm going to make Cheeseburger Soup, and try to figure out why the cheese is separating on people. It may mean I'm going to try just stirring in the cheese cubes at the end. I'll let you know.
updated 3/5: okay, I tried it with adding the Velveeta and milk at the very end, and it works just fine that way. There is plenty of moisture in the pot from the broth and browned meat to cook the potatoes. The milk and cheese melted almost instantly, and by the time the table was set, it was good to go. I tried blending a bit with a stick blender to thicken the broth. it worked.
also, I made the Not-Too-Spicy Bean Dip for an afternoon snack. I didn't have taco sauce in the house, but I did have buffalo wing sauce (I kind of always have buffalo wing sauce. it's probably not normal), so I added 2 capfulls into the bean blob. I also stirred in about 1 tablespoon of sour cream for some added moisture, and a handful of shredded cheese (still left from Taco Soup night). The kids loved it, and ate a lot. The buffalo wing sauce provided a slight tang and kick without being spicy.
Friday is the school's pasta feed (I will bring pre-cooked brown rice penne in a tupperware) that I somehow agreed to oversee. hmm.
Saturday is Brown Sugar Chicken--- always a big hit in our house (updated 3/5: it looks like we've been invited out on Sat, so this will be shoved into next week's plan.)
and on Sunday, I'm going re-make the Fish Chowder. This is my older daughter's most-requested meal, but I got a hilarious email about how it stunk up Sherri's house--I'm so sorry Sherri! So I'm going to try adding the seafood at the very end to keep sensitive noses happy. :-)
We will probably start the next week with a leftover night and will eat additional leftovers for lunch.
The crockpot is your friend, use it! Feel free to leave any and all frugal crockpotting go-to meals your family loves in the comments, I'd love to see them, and I'm sure many others would, too.
To get started meal planning: My Totally Together Meal Planning for Dummies, or for Normal People post.
For more money-saving ideas: Save Money By Using Your Crock-Pot Slow Cooker
For more meal planning inspiration: Erin Chase, of $5 Dinners and Laura, at I'm An Organizing Junkie
For a printable grocery list and meal plan, here are free downloadables.
For clean-out-the pantry/freezer meals, try:
Minestrone Soup
Mediterranean Chicken
Lazy Chicken
3 Packet Pot Roast
16 Bean Soup
Java Roast
Whole Chicken
Cream Cheese Chicken
Harvest Stew
Sloppy Joes
Cowboy Stew
Sausage and Vegetable Medley
Rabu, 01 September 2010
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