
Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

Belajar HTML untuk Pemula (bagian 4)

Format Teks HTML

Paragraph atau alinea dalam bahasa indonesianya yang memiliki tag

untuk awal paragraf sedang untuk tag penutup adalah

penulisan sintaksnya adalah :



memiliki attribut align yang memiliki nilai left, right dan center dan sintaksnya sebagai berikut :


contoh :

Ini adalah

Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009

Trik Membuat, Mengganti dan Menghapus Password User windows

Sekarang sudah jarang para pengguna computer mengenal adanya perintah yang diberikan kepada computer berupa perintah teks yang langsung dieksekusi oleh computer itu sendiri yang disebut dengan perintah DOS (DOS Command).

Misalkan saja untuk melihat isi suatu drive harddisk berupa file-file, kita harus mengetikan perintah dir supaya file-file yang ada pada drive bisa ditampilkan. Beda bukan

Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

Gambar Transparan Adobe Photoshop Cs

Setiap artikel yang hendak di post ke blog atau web akan menjadi lebih menarik apabila artikel tersebut dilengkapi dengan gambar atau objek yang mana dengan objek tersebut mampu memperjelas artikel yang diposting.

Namun bagaimana apabila latarbelakang atau background objek atau gambar tersebut tidak sesuai dengan latar belakang atau background dari web atau blog, tentu bukannya memperindah

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Cara membuat Cover eBook dengan Adobe Photoshop Cs

Taukah anda bahwa gambar eBook disamping sangat mudah dibuat dengan menggunakan adobe photoshop cs?

Sebenarnya tidak sulit untuk membuat eBook seperti yang terlihat disamping, dibutuhkan orang-orang yang memiliki jiwa seni yang tinggi untuk membuat sebuah cover ebook yang lebih bagus dari cover ebook ini.

Berhubung saya tidak terlalu seni dalam merancang cover ebook sehingga hasilnyapun

Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Cara Membuat Komentar Blog dikirim ke Email

Sebagai pemilik blog tentu ingin mengetahui perkembangan blognya setiap saat, apakah blognya dikunjungi atau tidak, kemudian ada atau tidaknya komentar yang diberikan pengunjung pada blog miliknya. Semakin banyak pengunjung yang datang ke blog tentu juga kesempatan untuk memberikan komentar pada blog juga semakin meningkat.

Bagi yang hanya memiliki beberapa postingan saja tentu bisa dilihat

End of Summer Harvest Soup Slow Cooker Recipe

This is a great soup to put on in the early morning, and let it simmer all day long---it took 9 hours on low for my beans to get tender, and I liked it even more 3 hours later when the beans finally split and the zucchini turned translucent.

The flavors are hearty and rich, but this is still light enough to eat with a beautiful garden salad out in the yard.

The Ingredients.
serves 8

4 cups chicken broth (vegetable stock is fine!)
1 cup prepared pasta sauce
1 cup water
1 medium yellow onion, diced
4 zucchini, washed well and sliced in 1/4-inch rounds
2 yellow summer squash, washed well and sliced in 1/4-inch rounds
2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved or quartered (depending on size)
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
1/3 cup dry white Cannellini beans (this doesn't sound like a lot, but they swell!)
1/2 cup pasta (to add 20 minutes before serving)
salt and pepper to taste
garnish with Parmesan and Romano cheeses

The Directions.

I used a 6-quart slow cooker. Wash squashes well, and slice in rounds. Place into slow cooker, with diced onion and tomato wedges. Rinse your beans in hot water, and add to cooker. Add broth, pasta sauce, and water. Stir in Italian seasoning.

Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours, or until beans have reached desired tenderness. 20 minutes before serving, stir in raw pasta. Serve with grated Parmesan and Romano cheese.

The Verdict.

Delicious. I loved how the tomatoes burst completely while slow cooked, and how the squash practically disappeared, so there was no need to chew it---the squash provided an awesome texture and flavor, and since it was so translucent, the kids ate it without fuss. I liked how the prepared pasta sauce gave the broth an oomph sometimes missing in homemade soups, and provided a rich color.
We had salad and homemade garlic bread sticks with our meal (bread sticks made from Pamela's Amazing Wheat-Free bread mix).

One more week until school starts! (I'm kind of excited. shhhhh.)

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

Belajar HTML untuk pemula (bagian 3)

Bentuk HTML tabel pada dasarnya adalah seperti berikut

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dan adalah merupakan batasan area HTML untuk tabel.
dan menyatakan batasan untuk sebuah baris dalam table.

dan adalah batasan untuk data dalam sebuah sel tabel, pada bentuk penulisan HTML di

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

Frequently Asked "A Year of Slow Cooking" Questions, Part II

I've gotten a slew of related questions the past few months, and while I absolutely LOVE answering questions (I really do, don't read this with sarcasm. The idea of actually helping real, breathing people in any way I can is exhilarating---please don't ever feel like you're bugging me with any of your questions. I promise if you're asking, somebody else already has. :-) ) I figured it might be helpful to round up some of the recent most frequently asked. 

Part I of Frequently Asked A Year of Slow Cooking Questions is located here.
and see: Slow Cooker Troubleshooting

1) How do you keep your slow cookers clean? 

I use Adam. HA! No, really, Adam is pretty much the slow cooker washer guy. He's an expert you know, one of his first jobs was washing dishes in the kitchen at the local hospital.

For the most part, I'd suggest emptying the stoneware as soon as you can. If you have leftover food, scrape it into a tupperware or some other sort of storage container. This isn't mandatory, you can certainly store the food safely in the fridge in the stoneware, but it is NOT recommended to reheat in the stoneware in the crock for leftovers, so you might as well clean it out on day 1.

If you have baked on gook, the absolute best way to get it off without ruining your manicure (HA! on the manicure. Although you can get a pretty nice pedicure...) is to fill the stoneware insert with hot water and add a tablespoon of dishwasher powder. 
Then float a fabric (dryer) softener sheet in the water and let it soak overnight. Then wash in the dishwasher, or by hand in the morning as usual. If you do not have the dryer sheets, a gollop of liquid fabric softener will do the trick, too.
DO NOT ever put a hot stoneware into your sink and fill it with cold water. It will crack. And then you'll be super sad.

As for the slow cooker base with the heating element, do NOT fill it with water, ever. Make sure to read the pamphlet that comes with your particular slow cooker for the manufacturer's suggested cleaning technique, but what I do is use a very slightly damp paper towel to wipe out any dribbles or a clorox wipe (I puffy heart love clorox wipes).

2) What's the difference between a Crock-Pot and a Slow Cooker? 
Nothing. Crock-Pot is a brand name of the first type of slow cooker, formally under the Rival label. There actually isn't such thing as a "crockpot"----although many people do call their slow cooker a "crockpot." There are many manufacturers of slow cookers on the market. These are the ones that I happen to use in my own home kitchen. 

3) What size slow cooker should I buy? 

It depends on what you are interested in cooking, and your family size. Slow cookers work the best when they are 2/3 to 3/4 of the way full. The recipe times are for this amount of food---if your pot isn't full enough, the food will cook faster and might burn. If it's a bit too full, your food will take longer to cook than the suggested cooking times.

Before my year-long challenge, I had 2 slow cookers that I used for everything: a 5.5-quart Smart Pot and a 1.5 quart mini crock I got at a Black Friday sale at Walmart for $4.95 (score!) These pots served my family of 4 quite well until I started this challenge.

I then upgraded to a 6.5 quart eLume (I was given it from Crock-Pot), and that is now my new go-to. I also like the Hamilton Beach Set and Forget, especially the locking lid---it's fantastic for potlucks and travel. These are the slow cookers and accessories (hand mixer, pyrex/corningware inserts I happen to use in my own home kitchen.

For a family of 2-3, buy a 2-4-quart
For a family of 3-5, a 5-6-quart
For a large family, or for entertaining groups of people, opt for a 7-8 quart slow cooker
I adore my Little Dipper, and use it quite often for dips, fondues, and even as an air freshener!

4) What if I only have a huge slow cooker? Can I still make recipes that call for a smaller size? 
Yes. It's super easy. Simply insert an oven-safe dish (Pyrex, Corningware, etc.) into your large stoneware, and load the ingredients into the dish. 
This will create a smaller cooking vessel inside of your slow cooker. Then cover and cook like normal. It will take a bit longer for the dish inside to get up to temperature, but your food will cook just fine.
If you are cooking a dish (chicken, for instance, which has the tendency to dry out) and the recipes calls for a 4 quart, but you only have a 6 quart (this is an example...) put the ingredients into your slow cooker, then put a layer of foil or parchment paper down near the food to help trap in the steam and moisture near the food. Then cover and cook like normal. This is also a big help if your slow cooker has one of those super helpful (now this is sarcasm..) "vent" holes in the lid or in the side of the stoneware insert. 

PLEASE BE CAREFUL when removing the foil or parchment paper at the end of the cooking time. The steam will be quite hot and will shoot out. Keep small children far away.

5) Are all of your recipes gluten free? What about the ones in the book? 
Yes. We happen to be a gluten free family, because my 4 year old has been diagnosed with Celiac, which is an intolerance to gluten (found in wheat, barley, and rye). The book is completely gluten-free, and all the recipes on this site have been made gluten-free. PLEASE! read all labels carefully on your own, because manufacturers are known to sometimes change ingredients with little-to-no warning.

If you are not gluten-free, simply ignore my notes and use the ingredients you normally would use when cooking for your family.

Want more info on going gluten free? I wrote about our journey a bit, here, and there are links at the bottom that will be helpful.

6) Do you peek while slow cooking?
Yes. I am not the best at following rules, and I often taste, stir, and poke at my food while it's in the slow cooker. I've heard from reliable sources that you can lose up to 20 minutes of valuable cooking time each time you peek, but I have not noticed that to be the case. Peeking and tasting makes me feel like I'm doing something, and it makes me happy. I like being happy.

That said, if you are baking with your slow cooker, or are making a layered casserole such as lasagna or tamale pie, try not to peek until the very end of the cooking time, so moisture doesn't escape. And DO NOT peek on the yogurt recipe---keep the valuable heat inside.


7) How come you aren't posting every day anymore? 
Because my year-long challenge is over! I'm currently slow-cooking baby number three, and am working on some other freelancing commitments, along with trying my hardest to give my children more of me than they got last year. I am still completely infatuated with my slow cookers and use them VERY regularly. I'd be absolutely lost without them.

8) Have you seen Julie & Julia? Not yet! It looks like a group of my friends will go together next week. I can't wait.

I hope this helps, some! If you have other questions, let me have 'em in the comment section. xoxo steph

related topics:
Frequently Asked A Year of Slow Cooking Questions, Part 1
Slow Cooker Troubleshooting
My New Year's Resolution
Alphabetical Recipe List
Holiday Recipe List
Help! My Slow Cooker Cooks Too Fast!

Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009

Belajar HTML untuk pemula (bagian 2)

Heading atau Judul

Untuk membuat heading atau judul pada HTML terdiri dari :

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Penjelasannya :


adalah merupakan penulisan judul dengan ukuran huruf yang paling besar dan untuk


dan seterusnya sampai
adalah judul kedua sampai dengan judul keenam dengan

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

Ingin Blog anda Berpenghasilan ?

Selamat datang dan selamat membaca para blogger pemula yang ingin memanfaatkan internet tidak sebagai sarana untuk memperoleh informasi seluas-luasnya namun kita akan memanfaatkan internet lebih dari itu sebagai pemberi penghasilan tambahan.

Sebenarnya dari ilmu yang sudah diperoleh dari internet adalah sesuatu yang sangat berharga dan merupakan aset terpenting bagi diri kita, namun kali ini

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009

Tips Sederhana Mengatasi Keylogger

Keylogger adalah sebuah software atau program yang berjalan secara sembunyi-sembunyi (tidak terlihat dengan mata) pada komputer tertentu guna merekam setiap kegiatan yang menggunakan keyboard sebagai media input data. Jadi setiap huruf (caracter) atau angka yang ditekan pada keyboard secara otomatis direkam oleh keylogger atau bahkan tidak hanya merekam melainkan meneruskan hasil rekaman