
Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

Introducing: More Make it Fast Cook it Slow

Today is the 362nd day of 2010.

I really don't know where the time went. This past year was a complete blur for me. 

I had a(nother) baby.
and I wrote a(nother) book.

Adam doesn't want me to post pictures of the kids on the Internet, so instead of a beautiful smiling baby face (and man, she really is a smiler!), you're stuck with the cover art of the book.

I wouldn't recommend having a baby and writing a cookbook all at the same time, but if you do, make sure you've got the best family in the world to help.

and a really big freezer.

Mike, who works at would like to remind you that you can use the Barnes and Noble gift card you got for a Holiday present online. He'd also like you to know that there is a NEW! not in the book! recipe for ribs (in the features tab) on and that this new cookbook is ONLY! $10.55! for a limited time only!!!!!!

an excerpt from the Introduction:

There are over 200 brand-new recipes in this book that have not been shared in the first Make It Fast, Cook It Slow cookbook.  I have separated the book into three sections: $7 and under, $10 and under, and $15 and under dishes. Within each section, there are chapters for beverages, appetizers, soups and stews, side dishes, main courses, and desserts. The main-course selections are bountiful, because I believe this is the most beneficial. 

I live in the SF Bay Area, which happens to be a terribly expensive place to live. The prices in this book are from my own hometown, from my own (regional chain) grocery store. I did not use coupons to purchase the food, although I did choose to buy items when they were on sale, and chose store brand items if the per-ounce cost was less expensive than that of the name brand.
Because of this, you may find that by shopping with the store circulars in your area, or by using coupons, or by purchasing meat in bulk at a warehouse store, you can find food at a lower price, and that my prices seem inflated. I'm okay with that! I'd much rather err on the side of overestimating the costs. 

In the past, many slow-cooker meals were made cheaply because they revolved around canned cream-of-something soup. While I do think there is a place in the world for condensed soup, this book does not have a single recipe that calls for this ingredient. My family doesn't use this product due to allergy and health concerns, and since so many recipes already exist with this key ingredient, I wanted to step away and prove to myself (and others!) that inexpensive slow cooker dishes can be made without it. I am such a sucker for a challenge. 

As in the first cookbook, everything has been prepared completely gluten-free. If you are not gluten-free, simply ignore my notes, or file them away in case you ever need to cook for someone with a gluten sensitivity.


This book is a group effort. I could not have finished my Year of Slow Cooking challenge in 2008 without the love, support, and hand-holding each one of you have provided, and I certainly wouldn't have kept it up to unearth ANOTHER 200 recipes without your suggestions, emails, and comments.
Thank you.

I'm blown away by your generosity and support. I don't have any current plans for a booktour, but I'd really like to set up a roadtrip with the family over the summer. If I can finagle something, I will certainly let you all know.

If you can help with word-of-mouth publicity for this new book via facebook, a blog post, or something else, please let me know. The contact information for the publisher's publicist is up above in the "contact" section, or you can email me at crockpotlady AT gmail DOT com.

thank you again.

I'm not sure what this new year will bring, but I'm excited.

I'll keep you posted.

and last, just in case...

Have a joyful and prosperous New Year. Lots and lots of love.

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Chocolate Almond Tapioca Pudding Slow Cooker Recipe

Tapioca pudding is the ultimate in comfort food. I made it the "normal" way during my 2008 challenge, and have used that recipe LOTS to wow the neighborhood kids during playdates. It's easy, it makes a TON, and keeps really well in the fridge. You can make a batch on the weekend and nibble all throughout the week. 
I wanted to kick the normal recipe up a notch for the new cookbook, and after opening and closing the pantry doors a bunch of times (you do that too, right? you stare at your pantry waiting for something to pop out?) I zereoed in on the cocoa powder I was given at the BlogHer Food conference. This is Scharfen Berger---it's delicious, smooth, and kind of expensive. It's not something I'd buy on my own, especially after learning that it's owned by Hershey (might as well just buy the regular stuff!)


Anyway, I combined some of the cocoa powder with some almond extract because I was trying to recreate that yummy chocolate almond biscotti flavor. In tapioca.

because why not?

and it worked. I loved this. Adam loved this. My grandma, mom, dad, brother, and sister-in-law loved this.

the kids said they liked the "normal" one better...

The Ingredients.
serves 8 to 10
2 quarts 1 percent milk (half gallon)
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup small pearl tapioca (not instant)
3 large eggs
1 teaspoon almond extract
1 tablespoon cocoa powder

The Directions.

Use a 4-quart slow cooker. Combine the milk, sugar, and tapioca in the stoneware insert. Stir well to mix. DON'T ADD EGGS yet!

Cover and cook on high for 2 to 3 hours. You are looking for the tapioca to soften slightly and get a bit slimy. This is still going to be very soupy---don't get worried!

In a mixing bowl, whisk the eggs, almond extract, and cocoa powder together. Measure out 1/2 cup of the hot milk and tapioca from the crock, and stir it into your mixing bowl. Then add another 1/2 cup and mix it together. And then another!

This is called tempering the eggs, and you need to do this so you don't end up with scrambled eggs in your pudding. Pour the egg mixture into your slow cooker and stir well to combine. cover and cook on high for 30 minutes to 1 hour, or until the tapioca has begun to swell and thicken.

Unplug the cooker, and leave the lid off for one hour to thicken even more. Stir again and chill thoroughly in the fridge.

The Verdict.

This works. The bit of cocoa and almond really adds a great depth to a traditional tapioca pudding and tastes fantastic. I've been eating it for breakfast.

and for snack.

and sneaking spoonfuls each time I walk into the kitchen.

other stuff:
--- it's the last week you have to read about my skin! (THANK GOODNESS) I've got $100 Visa gift card up for grabs over at Totally Together Reviews.  And I wrote a bit about my typical morning routine. Which I thought was typical, but I guess it isn't?

--- Enter to win a FREE LAPTOP! FOR FREE!

--- Amy at Simply Sugar and and Gluten Free has a copy of the new cookbook to give away. And a copy of HER new cookbook. and a cranberry cheesecake recipe!

--- if you are reading this on a feed, you'll notice that I went back to a full feed. I don't like partial feeds any more than you do. I don't like people stealing content either, but I like you all more than I dislike thieves, so I've decided to get over it.

Merry Christmas!

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Slow Cooker Pulled Pork with Sauerkraut Recipe

I bought canned sauerkraut for the first time ever to make this recipe. Guess what? It's in the canned vegetable aisle, not the condiment aisle.
Go figure.

I am not much of a sauerkraut person. Adam always asks for it when we get our after-shopping hot dog at Costco (you get a hotdog each time you're at Costco too, right?) but I've never been interested.

But a friend of a friend* wrote out her pulled pork with sauerkraut recipe on the back of a business card for me and insisted I give it a try.

So I did.

and I now see more sauerkraut in my future.


go figure again.

* who prefers to remain a silent anonymous being because the internet is full of nutjobs. Present company excluded, of course.

The Ingredients.
serves 8 (maybe more if you serve the meat/veggies on buns)

2 pounds pork tenderloin
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon dried sage
2 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup shredded carrot
1 (14.5-ounce) can sauerkraut (the whole thing)
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
8 rolls for serving (optional)

The Directions.

Use a 6-quart slow cooker. Put the roast into the bottom or your cooker. In a mixing bowl, combine the dried spices: mustard, thyme, sage, paprika, salt, pepper.
Rub these spices on all sides of the roast. Put the shredded carrot, sauerkraut, and caraway seeds into the empty bowl, and stir to combine. Then pour all contents on top of the spiced roast.
Cover and cook on low for 8 to 10 hours, or until the meat shreds easily with two forks.

HEY! there's no liquid? no broth? what's up with that?

It's not a mistake, I promise. The wetness from the sauerkraut combined with the meat juices is plenty for your roast to cook properly, and become fully shredded and lovely. If you have a pot that doesn't trap heat/moisture in very well because of a gap in the lid, or a spoon notch, you can lay down a layer of foil and then put the lid on. You want to see a bunch of condensation on the lid while the crockpot is in use.

Shred the meat completely, and stir well. Serve as is in a bowl, or serve spooned into toasted rolls. 

The Verdict.

I love how the tang from the sauerkraut and mustard tastes when mixed with the spices---especially the caraway---it tastes Irish (caraway is the pronounced flavor of rye bread or Irish soda bread. Since rye is off-limits when you're gluten free, I like begin able to get a hint of that when I can!)

The girls and I ate our meat by itself over some rice, but Adam made sandwiches for himself with French's mustard.
If you're looking for a way to sneak extra veggies into your family dinner, this is a good candidate. No one would notice if you added some shredded zucchini or cucumber.

more stuff:
1)  I'm gearing up for the launch of my new cookbook: More Make it Fast, Cook it Slow: 200 Brand-New, Budget-Friendly, Slow-Cooker Recipes.
The book will be available in stores December 28 (although you are certainly welcome to pre-order on Amazon!) but there is a giveaway right now over on Fresh Fiction. Jen has 5! books to give away. There is also an interview up in case you wanted to know EVEN MORE about me. :-)

2)  Before I had children, I ran preschool centers for under-privileged children. I wrote about my favorite Christmas memory working with children over on BookReporter.

3)  I'm finishing up my stint at and have a post about my "current" holiday traditions. I have current in quotes because our family traditions are still a work in progress. BUT! I do know we'll use a slow cooker or 7 this holiday season. :-)

4) Need more pork recipes? I think I found them all, right here!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping with such gusto and compassion and force with the Lyme disease information for my friend Diane. I know she is still digesting everything, but it is so refreshing and inspiring to know there is valuable information and love floating around the world.

have a fantastic day!

Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Red Wine Poached Pears Slow Cooker Recipe

These aren't beets. They're pears that have been soaked in wine, sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla.


for grown-ups. not for kids.

My mom's friend Carol sent me this recipe, after tasting them at an Inn in Napa, California. I can't get over how easy they were to make, and am slightly kicking myself for not making them earlier (read: before this last baby) when were entertaining much more often.

If you're looking for a dessert for New Year's Eve--this is it. Easy Fancy (again!).

The Ingredients.
serves 6
2 (29-ounce) cans pear halves (I like it that the recipe calls for canned pear halves. They are found year-round, are terribly inexpensive, and you don't have to peel anything. If you'd prefer to use "real" ones, try 6 peeled and cored pears)

1 (750-ml) bottle red wine (I used an inexpensive merlot)
1 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cinnamon stick
2 star anise
6 tablespoons sweetened whipped cream (for garnish, after cooking)

The Directions.

Use a 6-quart slow cooker. Drain pears, and plop them into your empty crock. Add the entire bottle of wine (if you are wearing a new white blouse, it'd be a good idea to put on an apron. grrr.). Stir in the sugar, being careful to not break up the pear halves. Add vanilla, and float the cinnamon stick and star anise on top. Cover and cook on low for 5 hours, or on high for about 2.
Serve warm in bowls with a large dollop of whipped cream.

The Verdict.

This certainly is a dessert that will warm you up on a cold night. The alcohol DOES NOT COOK AWAY.
Please eat responsibly! :-)
The sugar and vanilla really cut through the harsh bite you sometimes get with red wine--feel free to use an inexpensive table wine (not cooking wine, something you'd drink). 

Thank you, Carol, for getting this recipe for us----it's wonderful.

I have a Holiday Pear (no alcohol) recipe coming up in the next day or two---I just need to find my notes.

other stuff:

also, my friend Diane's son may have Lyme disease---he was diagnosed last week. She is understandably quite shaken and is gathering as much information as possible. If you happen to know anything about Lyme Disease, will you email me at so I can forward the info on to her?
Thank you so much.

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

Komentar Memberikan Informasi Jawaban

Banyak sekali pertanyaan yang masuk ke admin blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer selama liburan Hari Raya Galungan dan Kuningan untuk daerah Bali. Selama hari raya Admin blog BIK Pemula memang tidak pernah online sehingga semua pertanyaan yang datang dari blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer dan Blog TobiPuken serta blog saya lainnya belum sempat dijawab dan ada juga sempat dijawab hari ini. Untuk yang

majulah timnas ku(GARUDA)

Piala AFF
Tiket, Keamanan, dan Dua Layar Besar di SUGBK

Font size: Decrease font Enlarge font
1500 personel keamanan siap diturunkan. (Rizal/BOLA)
Prediksi bakal tingginya animo penonton menyaksikan laga semifinal antara Indonesia kontra Filipina, membuat panitia lokal (LOC) mengambil kebijakan mencetak lebih banyak tiket. Tak hanya itu, pengamanan juga bakal ditingkatkan.
Peningkatan kualitas dan tingginya
antusiasme penonton, kata Sekjen PSSI, Nugraha Besoes, menjadi dua indikator yang menyebabkan LOC menilai perlu mencetak lebih banyak tiket.

"Terkait kelangsungan dua laga semifinal antara tim tuan rumah Indonesia dengan Filipina, LOC AFF Suzuki Cup Indonesia memutuskan untuk menaikkan ketersediaan tiket sekaligus harganya," ujar Besoes dalam pertemuan Komite Eksekutif PSSI, di Hotel Sultan, Senayan, Jakarta, Jumat (10/12) petang.

Lantaran tingginya animo itu, LOC juga mengajak dan menghimbau pencinta sepak bola Indonesia untuk melakukan pemesanan tiket jauh-jauh hari. LOC mulai membuka penjualan melalui online, loket-loket di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (SUGBK), dan beberapa gerai yang ditentukan, Senin (13/12). "Akan lebih baik jika menghindari pembelian tiket pada hari pertandingan atau go show," jelas Nugraha Besoes.

Menyoal pengamanan, 1500 aparat kepolisian dibantu 400 orang dari pihak swasta siap diturunkan. Pengamanan ketat bakal diberlakukan. Hanya penonton yang sudah memiliki tiket atau sudah memesan tiket, yang diperbolehkan masuk ke lingkaran stadion.

"Untuk pengamanan babak semifinal ini, LOC mengerahkan sekitar 1500 petugas dari personil kepolisian plus sekitar 200 hingga 400 orang dari pengamanan swasta," pungkas Besoes.

Harga Tiket dan Giant Screen

Ketua LOC, Joko Driyono, mengatakan sebanyak 70.725 lembar tiket akan dicetak buat pertandingan Indonesia versus Filipina, 16 dan 19 Desember mendatang. Artinya, tiket dicetak 10 ribu lebih banyak dibanding pada babak penyisihan.

Harga tiket untuk kelas tertinggi, yakni VVIP, dinaikan dari semula Rp 250.000 menjadi Rp 500.000. "Tiket VVIP ini dicetak sangat terbatas, hanya untuk 300 sampai 400 seat," jelas Joko Driyono.

Harga tiket VIP Barat dinaikkan dari semula Rp 200.000 menjadi Rp 350.000. Untuk VIP Timur, yang sebelumnya disebut kategori I, dinaikan dari Rp 150.000 menjadi Rp 250.000. Tiket kategori I, dari semula Rp 100.000, menjadi Rp 150.000. Kategori II, di belakang gawang, dari semula Rp 75.000 menjadi Rp 100.000. Terakhir, tiket untuk tribun harganya Rp 50.000. Tak ada kenaikan harga untuk kelas paling buncit ini.

Sementara itu, untuk mengantisipasi lonjakan suporter yang datang, LOC bakal memasang dua layar besar di sekitar SUGBK. "Kami akan memasang setidaknya dua layar besar di jalur joging untuk mengantisipasi calon penonton yang tidak mendapat tiket," pungkas Joko.
ayo kita dukung terus timnas kita,dan mudah mudahan kebangkitan sepak bola kita berawal dari sini,dan dapat mencapai tingkat tertinggi,,termasuk menjadi pesaerta piala dunia...AMIN
garuda didadaku,garuda kebanggaanku,
ku yakin hari ini pasti menang.................

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

Syarat Dan Ketentuan Pasang Iklan

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itu, dari sisi biaya pemasangan iklan di blog juga relatif lebih murah dibandingkan dengan media sejenis lainnya di internet. Trafik yang diperoleh sebuah blog dengan predikat telah teroptimasi juga sangat tinggi sehingga alternatif memasang iklan di blog akan membuka peluang yang cukup lebar bagi para advertiser untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan transaksi produk/jasa yang diiklankan.( harga iklan bisa di goyang,,,hee..)

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Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Sweet and Savory CrockPot Pot Roast Recipe

Can you have too many pot roast recipes?


I didn't think so.

I resurrected a forgotten roast with some simple pantry staples on a terribly windy and rainy day--- the kind of day where you'd just feel foolish for leaving the house.

I don't like to feel foolish.

The Ingredients.
serves 6
4 pounds beef rump or chuck roast
2 onions, sliced in rings
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup ketchup (I bought the Organic. the marketing worked!)
2 cups beef broth
2 cups baby carrots (optional--I've made this with or without.)

The Directions.

Use a 6-quart slow cooker. Put the roast into the bottom of your pot, and add onion slices, separated into rings. Pour in brown sugar, vinegar, and ketchup. Toss in carrots (if using). Pour broth evenly over the top. Cover and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours, or until the meat has reached desired tenderness. 
If you find your meat isn't quite as tender as you'd like prior to serving, remove it from the pot, cut it into a few pieces, then return to the crock, and cook on high for about an hour. Tough and/or dry meat isn't from over slow cooking--it's from under slow cooking!

serve over mashed potatoes. I made these---and the kids gobbled it all up.

The Verdict.

You really can't go wrong with a sweet glaze on top of meat. It's delicious, and makes everyone happy.
more pot roast recipes:


HARYSUKASUKA: NENEKU SAYANG: "neneku sayang,..di umurmu yang sudah senja ini,entah kenapa ak jadi lebih sayang.teringat masa yang lalu dimana nenek masih sediki lebih mu..."

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Candied Acorn Squash Slow Cooker Recipe

Squash is terribly good for you--it has magnesium, potassium, vitamins A and C, and even has a bunch of calcium.
But people don't cook it very often. Because they think it's too hard. Or they don't know how.

That's okay. I didn't really know how for a long time, either. But now I do, and since it's on sale in every grocery store, my family has been eating it more often.

Our new favorite way? Candied.

but not with marshmallows----these guys are candied with apples, walnuts, and a touch of brown sugar.

The Ingredients.
serves 4
1 acorn squash (you can certainly cook more, but use a larger crockpot)
2 apples: peeled, cored, and diced
1 tablespoon butter, melted
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon chopped walnuts (or almonds or pecans)
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

The Directions.

Use a 4-quart slow cooker. Cut the acorn squash in half. This is hard! I've found the easiest way (thanks to my mom) is to microwave the squash for a minute on high to soften the skin. Then use a knife to cut it right down the middle.

Scoop out the seeds (which guinea pigs don't like for some reason) and discard. Put the squash into an empty slow cooker, skin side down. 

In a small mixing bowl, combine the cut up apple, melted butter, brown sugar, walnuts, salt, and cinnamon. Scoop this concoction into the acorn halves.
Lick the spoon. Cover and cook on low for 5 hours, or on high for 2 to 3.

The Verdict.

I get a lot of emails 
(side note: if you've written recently and I haven't gotten back to you, I'm sorry. I needed to declare an email bankruptcy on the First because the 373 left in my inbox just weren't going to happen. I'm so sorry.) about child eating habits.

I have some people who think I pander to the kids and they walk all over me and kids should eat whatever they are served, no matter what. And I have others who are amazed that my kids eat curry, brussels sprouts, artichokes, and lentils.

I'm certainly not perfect, nor are my kids, but I feel like we have a pretty good give-and-take relationship with food. If the family meal isn't pleasing, I usually ask for a try or two, but then they can make a quesadilla or a bowl of cereal or something.

Hmm. Maybe I AM a pushover!

anyway. My kids happily eat a bunch of squash each time it's prepared this way. I'm okay with the bit of sugar and butter, but if you prefer to cut back, I'd suggest trying it this way first, and then cut back after your kids are convinced squash isn't squished bugs.